Welcome to WfOH

Connect. Empower. Transform.

About us

Who we are

The Women for One Health (WfOH) Network is an interconnected community of One Health (OH) professionals advancing the participation of women and under-served groups in One Health research, policy and practice to enhance gender equity, diversity and inclusivity. The idea of the network was…Read more

Facilitate networking and collaboration

Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity

To promote diversity, inclusivity, and equity in the field of One Health by advocating for equitable representation of women and under-served groups in leadership positions and at conferences.

Create Global Network

To establish a global network of experts and resources in the One Health sector to facilitate collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and research opportunities.

Educate and Engage

To educate and engage members through innovative initiatives such as the “Beyond Borders Guide”, book club discussions, and webinar series, aiming to enhance understanding and awareness of One Health principles and practices globally.

Overarching goals

Foster gender equity

Promote gender equity and empower women and under-served groups by advocating for equal leadership, opportunities, rights, and representation in One Health.

Enhance inclusivity

Create a welcoming and inclusive environment that embraces diversity, encourages participation, and values the contribution of women and under-served groups across different backgrounds, cultures,  disciplines and geographies.

Community engagement and empowerment including ecosystems

Engage and empower local communities, particularly women and under-served groups, in One Health initiatives by integrating local knowledge, supporting community-led projects, and fostering sustainable practices.

Facilitate networking and collaboration

Facilitate connections and collaborations among women and under-served groups and leaders in One Health to promote knowledge sharing, mentorship, and joint initiatives.

Influence policy and decision-making

Advocate for policy changes and reforms that address gender disparities, promote diversity, equity and inclusion, and integrate a One Health approach at local, national, regional and global levels.

Promote education and capacity building

Develop educational programs, workshops, and resources to enhance the skills, knowledge, and leadership abilities of women and under-served groups in One Health.

Facilitate sustainable implementation of the One Health approach

Encourage the functional integration of diverse communities and individuals into One Health activities to ensure that they build on local knowledge and strengths.

Encouraging and promoting One Health research

Foster collaborative, inter- and transdisciplinary research that integrates health of humans, animals, and ecosystems, and translates the research findings to improve health and well-being for all.

Utilizing community knowledge in One Health practices

Integrate and prioritize community knowledge and practices in One Health initiatives to ensure culturally relevant and sustainable health solutions.

Mentorship and global collaboration

Promote mentorship and foster cross-regional collaborations, including East-West and North-South exchanges, to enhance knowledge exchange, capacity building, and leadership development in the One Health community.

Creating regional focal points

Rstablish regional focal points to serve as champions of the Women for One Health network, driving local engagement, advocacy, and implementation of One Health initiatives.

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Overall Concept

We seek to create a space that empowers and supports diverse women and individuals from minority and marginalized groups to lead efforts to promote health and well-being for all living beings.

Our approach is inclusive, empowering and unifying. We are joining forces to raise awareness among decision-makers and stakeholders about the importance of understanding and creating structures and practices that prevent gender inequities.

This not only offers great value to the under-served groups themselves but also provides a societal opportunity to learn from and support each other within the One Health concept.

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Every donation, no matter how big or small, will have a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve. Together, we can create a better future for our communities and make a positive change in the world. Thank you for your support.