We are thrilled to announce the successful first get-together of the Women for One Health (WfOH) network at the World Health Summit 2023, in Berlin, Germany!
The World Health Summit 2023, held in Berlin from October 15 to October 17, centred around the theme “A Defining Year for Global Health Action.” All three days of the summit were filled with engaging presentations, thought-provoking discussions, and enriching workshops. These events sparked countless inspiring insights and facilitated numerous valuable connections among Global Health experts and enthusiasts.
On Sunday evening, we were delighted to meet with community members of our network and exchange ideas about the next strategic steps, marking our first live get-together. WfOH strives to unite One Health experts and enthusiasts across various sectors, regions, and genders, which is why we consider this get-together a significant milestone. We had fantastic conversations, established valuable connections, and ultimately strengthened our network. These interactions fostered connections and dialogues essential to advancing Global Health.
Global Health and One Health are connected through their shared goal of improving health for all. One Health’s framework informs and enhances Global Health strategies, showcasing the importance of collaboration. By ensuring the inclusion of women and underrepresented groups in health discussions, research, and leadership, we can achieve more holistic and effective outcomes that reflect the needs of all populations.
The importance of these connections—between One Health, Global Health, and Inclusivity—is precisely why we consider it a significant milestone for us to have attended the World Health Summit. 
We are excited about attending more inspiring events like this in the near future!